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Do you want to learn how to begin simple habits to reach your writing goals and dreams? Today’s interview will help get you started on the right track
In this interview, bestselling nonfiction author Steve Scott shares, the turning point in his business when he went from blogging to bestselling indie author. He shares how writers can structure their time to get more done in less time and create better morning routines, so you can accelerate your progress and reach your goals.
In the intro, I share about how I’ve had to pivot and become more flexible with my writing goals for 2018.
Books I’ve been reading in the last few weeks that I’ve found helpful in my writing journey are:
1.Two books by Ben Hale and Honoree Corder titled: Write Like A Boss and Publish Like A Boss.
2. I’ve been re-reading a super helpful book by James Scott Bell: Fiction Attack!
3.Also, Steve Scott’s books which have been so helping in developing consistent writing practice and habits are: Miracle Morning for Writers(with Hal Elrod and Honoree Corder); How to write a Nonfiction eBook in 21 Days — That Readers Love!; and Novice to Expert: 6 Steps to Learn Anything, Increase Your Knowledge, and Master New Skills.
I hope you find the above books and resources helpful in your writing journey
Watch the Video Interview
Steve Scott, shares his journey as he got started running an internet based business and earning affiliate income back in 2006. He talks about how he continued to blog until 2012, with his blogging making hardly any money.
However, in February 2012, some friends encouraged him to take his old blog content and repurpose it into books and throw it up on Amazon.
So he self-published that first book and self-published another book again in July 2012. This time he took the time to investigate the sales tools that Amazon offers and he took advantage of the 5 free days in KDP Select. His book started selling $10 – $15/day. That’s when he decided to write short nonfiction ebooks and concentrate his efforts there.
As he started to spend each day writing 3 – 4 hours a day, he started to make lists of ideas for topics for books. When he realized he was pretty good at forming habits, he decided to concentrate on writing short ebooks on the topic of habits.
Tips on Developing a Structure for Your Writing Time:
Steve shares his tips on how writers can better structure their writing time so they get more books written. He works on 3 books at a time by doing the following:
1.Idea Germination: This is where you decide the topic/genre you want to write. Listen to podcasts, read blogposts and books on the topic. Begin to develop your idea.
2.Write the Outline: This is where you group your ideas into chapters that will become your book.
3.One book in post-production: As soon as the draft is finished and you’ve self-edited it, send it to your editor and begin writing the next book.
Steve recommends this method for creating a production schedule around your writing, so you are consistently writing and self-publishing new books.
On Creating Morning Routines to Help Writers:
Steve co-authored a book along with Hal Elrod and Honoree Corder titled, Miracle Morning for Writers. It’s a super helpful book that gives simple steps on how writers can develop a daily morning routine that will inspire them and help them to get ready for their day.
Using the Acronym Life S.A.V.E.R.S. – and idea originated by Hal Elrod – it breaks down into a daily practice that writers(or anyone) can use to start their day feeling peaceful and inspired.
S = SILENCE: This is a daily meditation practice that starts your day with a period of time in silence to help begin the day with calm and clarity.
A = AFFIRMATIONS: Speak out loud everyday, telling yourself who you want to be, what you want to accomplish and how to you going to accomplish it. This goes into your subconscious mind and will shift your beliefs to help you believe and act in new ways. Write down specific actions in the present tense. Example: I commit to writing a minimum of ___ words Monday through Friday between ____ am/pm and ___ am/pm, no matter what.
V = VISUALIZATION: This is a technique to use your imagination to create what you want in life. Get somewhere quiet and comfortable, and create a clear mental picture of what you want and see yourself doing the actions to achieve it.
E = EXERCISE: A few minutes of exercise every morning enhances your health, self-confidence and emotional well-being.
R = READING: Reading books written by successful people in your chosen niche, will empower you to learn and level up quickly.
S = SCRIBING: Take time to write in your journal for five to ten minutes each morning. Get your thoughts out of your head and put them in a journal. You’ll be amazed how you’ll gain valuable insights you would never have noticed otherwise.
Steve’s Top 3 Pieces of Advice for New Writers:
In this interview, Steve encourages new writers to follow the 3 P’s of nonfiction writing.
1.Passion = that you have some sort of personal interest in your specific topic. This applies to both nonfiction and fiction.
2.Personal Experience = That you have some sort of background and experience to give value to your readers on your specific topic. Share what experience you do have with your readers.
3.Make Sure Your Books Are Profitable = Do some research to see if the book you’re writing is something that people are buying. Look on Amazon and see what kind of ranking there is for that particular topic. Rule of thumb: #30,000 rank number means that those books are getting consistent sales, which makes it a great topic for a book.
To find more about Steve Scott and his books, check out his website: habitbooks.com or to learn more about what Steve teaches on writing and self-publishing, go to at Authority.pub. To connect with Steve on social media, you can find him on Facebook or Twitter.