At least once a day, I find a blogpost that has helped me to up my game as a writer. And this happens throughout the year, only I haven’t done a lot to acknowledge how much each post has helped me in some way.
This year, I wanted to find some small way to give back to those bloggers whose blogposts on different aspects of writing have really helped me.
That’s how this list of the 10 most helpful blogposts for writers in 2015 came to be.
This list is chosen based on: 1)great content, 2)the content was useful for people who were writers and/or self-published authors, 3)the amount of readers commenting and sharing, and 4)if the post held my attention the whole way through.
There are so many valuable and very helpful blogposts for writers out there, that I could easily have written down links to over 100 blogposts. But instead I did my best to focus on only 10 articles that I hope you will find helpful to you too.
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10 Most Helpful Blogposts for Writers in 2015
If you find these blog posts helpful to you as a writer, I hope you share them with your friends. You never know who else might be needing the useful or inspiring ideas found in these blog posts 🙂
Here are the blog posts in no particular order.
The Creative Penn
Great Blogpost: Pros And Cons of Being An Indie Author. In this article, Joanna talks about the benefits and the challenges to being an indie author and the differences between being a self-published author, an indie author, and other publishing options.
Helping Writers Become Authors
Great Blogpost: Never Confuse the Key Event and the First Plot Point in Your Book Again!  K.M. Weiland helps fiction writers understand the difference between the inciting incident, the key event and the first plot point. She also includes a infographic of her First Act Timeline.
Positive Writer
Great Blogpost: How to NOT Let Others Sabotage Your Writing. This is a great guest post by Marcy McKay on how to protect your novel and any other writing, from the criticism of others before you’re ready to put it out into the world.
Writers Helping Writers
Great Blogpost: Planning a Novel: Character Arc In A Nutshell.  Angela Ackerman talks about how to understand and dig deeper into your main character’s outer and inner motivation in this post. She simplifies topics like character flaws and how to get to the heart of character wounds. Really helpful for storytellers.
The Write Life
Great Blogpost: How Much Does It Cost to Self-Publish a Book? 4 Authors Share Their Numbers.  Dana Sitar along with 3 other successful indie authors share the costs of editing, formatting, cover design and other costs that go along with self-publishing your book.
The Write Conversation
Great Blogpost: 10 Things That Steal Our Writing Joy.  If you find yourself stuck in any way as you write your book, this post by Edie Melson, will help clear away the fog of confusion so you can focus on why you are writing in the first place.
Self-Pub Authors
Great Blogpost: My Thoughts on the Smashwords 2015 Survey. Writer and Blogger Ruth Ann Nordin, gives us her observations about the 2015 Smashwords Survey and what bestselling self-published books have in common. I found this to be a real eye-opener.
Jody Hedlund
Great Blogpost: 15 Ways to Find Writing Inspiration in 2015.  This helpful post written by Jody at the start of 2015, is helpful and inspiring for writers as we each look forward to 2016.
The Write Practice
Great Blogpost: 10 Questions to Find Your Unique Writing Voice.  Joe Bunting gives steps on how writers can uncover their unique writing voice. Very helpful!
Kill Zone Blog
Great Blogpost: Make Next Year the Best of Your Writing Life. Even though this post was written at the end of 2014, it still is so relevant for writers as we go into 2016.
These are the posts that really helped me this past year. I hope you find these posts useful and inspiring too.
I’d love to hear about your favorite blog posts from 2015 that have really helped you to move forward with your writing. Please do leave a comment below 🙂
*Photo created with Canva
This is an awesome list! Thanks for compiling and sharing it, Lorna.
I’m happy this list was helpful for you Melissa 🙂 It was fun to go back to the posts that I found inspiring and useful in 2015… and I love to give back to other writers who have helped me too! Have fun reading through and I hope you were inspired in all your writing Melissa…
I subscribe to a few of the blogs in the links, but it’s always nice to discover a few more resources.
I agree… it seems there’s always something new to learn in the world of writing, marketing and self-publishing 🙂
I subscribe to most of these blogs, but it’s nice to see the list. Bookmarking this for future reference!
Awesome Joan – I’m glad this was useful for you!