You have a dream to be a writer.
But maybe somewhere along the way, you gave up because the not-so-pleasant part of life happened. Life threw too many curve balls that upset your world and you felt like you struck out.
Maybe fear or worry inched it’s way into your life, sucking away your passion for writing.
And now you feel listless and sluggish not sure how to move forward.
Now you’re unsure how to get back that excitement you once had for writing. You’ve tried and failed to reignite that spark that seems to be lost.
Maybe you’re like me and you want to find the wonder, passion and joy that creating something new in the world brings to you.
If that’s you, I want to help bring the spark back today. You don’t have to give up. You don’t have to let go of your writing dreams. You don’t have to settle for less.
There is hope for your writing, hope for your creativity and hope for your dreams.
Read on to discover 7 ways how you can reignite your passion for writing again…
7 Ways to Reignite Your Passion For Writing
I wanted to share with you what has helped me to re-connect with my passion for writing again.
It’s been a seriously tough last couple of months or so and I feel like just in the past couple of weeks, I’ve started to rediscover my passion for writing and storytelling.
So, if you need a little inspiration to help you stick with it, the follow 7 ways are what have helped me.
1.Reconnect with your Big Why. It’s super important to write down why you want to write in the first place. It’s been shown by studies that writing down your goals and/or dreams helps to reinforce them in our minds.
Give yourself permission to write down whatever reason for writing that comes into your mind. There’s no judgement here and no wrong answer. Whatever your reason is for writing and telling stories that compels you, let that pull you forward.
Maybe you want to earn a living writing. Or perhaps you want to be able to make money to save for your kids college education. Maybe for you, there’s a story inside of you that keeps you awake at night, compelling you to put words on the page.
I’ve been re-writing my big why down in my journal in the past few weeks, and it really has given me clarity. I want to write novels as well as nonfiction books and make a full-time income from it.
2.Read/Listen/Watch what inspires your writing goals and dreams. I believe creatives need to be inspired on a regular basis. For myself, I need to either read or listen to something that helps me step beyond my self-doubts and into belief, every single day. For example, when I listened to this YouTube video on Getting What You Want, by Oprah, and was reminded that if you have faith as a mustard seed you can move mountains and anything is possible.
As I watched this video, I was reminded of when I was ten years old. My mom gave me a necklace with a mustard seed, in a little clear box and said Lorna Faith, this is for you. Think of your name [Faith] every time you wear it. It’ll help you get past your mountains. And someday I know you’ll encourage others to have faith when things look impossible.
This was a great reminder to keep going after my dream of writing. I hope it helps you too and that you find blogposts, books, audios or videos that inspire you to keep telling your stories too.
3.Talk about your dreams with a loved one. This is so good. I share constantly(probably too much), with my hubby and sometimes my kids, the books I’m writing – and my ideas and goals, what I’m blogging about or the very fun chats I have with so many amazing authors. They tell me it inspires them to go further with their own dreams too.
Sharing your dream with people who love and believe in you, empowers and motivates you.
4.Speak out loud your goals and affirmations. I started doing this on a regular basis around the start of 2017, and it has helped me stay motivated and focussed. I learned this in the awesome book Miracle Morning for Writers by Hal Elrod, Steve Scott, and Honoree Corder. I’ve also learned how a focussed morning routine that includes affirmations, increases your productivity and income.
So instead of saying words like: I can’t; I shouldn’t; or this won’t work – change those words to – I can; I should try this; it will work. You’ll start to be amazed how it begins to change your perspective about yourself and your writing.
5.Go for a walk in nature or visit a museum or other places that inspire you. Take a little bit of time to go on an Artist Date. Julia Cameron in her book The Artist’s Way, encourages creatives to go once a week to someplace that inspires you(museums, craft stores, walking in nature), fills the creative well of your inner child. I go for walks by the lake or sometimes a take 30 minutes to visit to the craft store, which gives me many ideas for stories.
6.Stay Connected with Other Writers. This is something that is really helpful. I have quite a few writing groups that I love to connect with and share ideas on. Some are in courses that I’ve taken like Tribe Writers and others. But, a group for indie writers that isn’t from an online course, that is super helpful to anyone wanting to write and self-publish their books, is Susan Kaye Quinn’s For Love or Money FB Group. There are a ton of great ideas that get shared in this group and people are more than willing to help. Just ask to join and you’re good to go!
7.Make a list of all the things you love. I find that thinking of and writing down what I love, helps to inspire me. Go to places like Pinterest, Instagram or just google a topic that really interests you. Often I’ll go to Pinterest and look for pictures, which gives ideas for my characters or for some next scenes. It’s really quite fun how ideas just pop in your head as you’re researching stuff. So make a list of things that you love and then do more research on them. You might be surprised at ideas you get from it!
So, I hope this list has helped to reignite your passion for writing. I practice doing most of these ideas every week, and it keeps me grounded and focussed. I hope it does the same for you and that you stay focussed and inspired on your writing dreams 😉
What inspires or reignites your writing dreams? Please share. I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments below. Let’s learn from each other!
Super tips Lorna. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Nina and thanks for stopping by and reading the post. As I’ve needed to reconnect with my passion for writing, I thought I’d share in hopes it would help anyone else who is feeling stuck. Have an amazing writing day Nina 😉