In the past year or so I haven’t written more than one blogpost a week, but this week I felt I needed to share what’s been happening and what I’ve been learning.
I’m realizing more and more how easy it is to unthinkingly bite off more than you can chew.
Have you ever experienced moments like that?
I’m afraid this is what I did at the start of this year, when I said my plan was to have The Storyteller’s Roadmap Membership site ready for June 2017 – you can read more about that here.
I’ve been reminded this last week from readers who have connected with me, asking about my plan was with the membership site. I emailed them back, but realized I needed to share more details in a blogpost.
So to all of you who have been waiting patiently and expectantly for the membership site, I wanted to say from the bottom of my heart that I’m sorry about the delay.
No worries though… membership site is still in the works. However, right now it looks like the first lessons won’t be available until sometime in November. I’m already thinking for this first go around, I’m going to really limit the number of people – and it’ll be available at the lowest cost – because this will be so new and I realize it’s going to take me awhile to learn all there is to learn.
If you want, you can read a breakdown of lessons learned and a new plan below…
Lessons Learned from all this…
As each of us as writers and creative entrepreneurs continue to grow in our craft of writing, we also learn more about ourselves.
Sometimes those lessons happen when you take on more than you can handle and overestimate how much you can actually do in a specific time period. That was definitely one of the painful lesson I learned these past few months.
What I’ve learned…
- Learning to take ideas in small bite-sized pieces. I didn’t realize how long creating each lesson would actually take. An incredible amount of time goes into creating the slides, video, audio and organizing any other type of content you wan to add to each lesson in a module. I overestimated my own energy and the setbacks that would happen. Also, I really need to learn better time management. With writing my fiction books, blogging, podcasting, sending out emails and working on course lessons… sometimes it can be quite overwhelming. So I need to learn how to manage that better – and what to say no to. A new plan with better time management: to be consistently creating videos (one a week or so) so that there will be quite a few video lessons ready to go for the launch of the membership site.
- Learning to be a better communicator. This is a big area I need to learn to grow in. Sometimes I get so “head-down” into my own rabbit hole(of whatever I’m creating at the time) that I forget that I need to actually let people know what’s going on. I haven’t said enough about why the membership site was delayed or places in my life where I’ve been challenged in the past few months. Sorry about that. I’m learning to do this better. I should mention that those readers who are on my email list, do get a few paragraphs in the monthly update where I share about what I’m struggling with and how I’m learning to find solutions. A new plan: to write updates on the blog and newsletter about what I’m up to, what I’m learning – in hopes that something I’m learning will be helpful to readers who connect with me.
- Learning what ideas to say “yes” to and what to say “no” to. This one is a huge learning curve for me. I tend to get sidetracked by so many ideas, that it doesn’t take long before I’m spinning far too many plates in the air than I can reasonably handle. Oy 😉 A new plan of strategy: to organize and write down a reasonable timeline with deadlines on books and course material I want to write/record. To create a business plan of books(nonfiction and fiction). I’m creating a MindMap of what the membership site should look like – which has given me so much clarity. And then I’ll be putting all the other ideas on the back-burner(at least for now).
So that’s what’s been going on in the last few months.
I do want to say thank you to all those who have stuck with me. Sometimes the learning curve in writing books and expanding your ideas can be huge – with lots of mistakes. But I guess my hope is that it will all be useful to others who are wanting to grow as an author entrepreneur.
Please do let me know if you have any comments or suggestions. If you like, you can comment below or message me by clicking here.
Thank you, Lorna, for sharing so honestly and vulnerably with us! You are always an inspiration and encourager for me! I look forward to continuing the journey with you!
Thank you Jennifer for your words of encouragement… I really needed to hear that today 🙂 And thanks for sticking with me, even with delays and as I figure my way through different challenges. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!