I’ve been going through my list of areas I need to grow in as a writer for 2016 and I’ve realized that there are many areas for me to focus.
As I read through my own list, I thought maybe other writers would find my own list helpful as they sort through their own.
So here’s what I’m working through in my own writing and creativity process this year.
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6 Practical Areas of Growth for Writers in 2016
Just like many of you, I’ve chosen to get more serious about my writing this year. I’ve loved writing in past years, but too many times I would get sidetracked by some shiny new thing and would begin that.
Honestly, this has been a big area of growth for me personally and as a writer.
Too many times before, I would panic and somehow think I wasn’t doing enough, so in my fear I would chase something else(insert ‘new book/course/website’ here).
I’ve realized(at last), that I need to make a change – maybe you do too? If you are wanting to get more serious about your writing, I hope you consider adding these 6 practical changes to how you structure your writing process this year.
To be more deliberate in your writing habits, there are some changes to consider so you are more effective as a writer and Authorpreneur. These are the changes I’m making this year that I hope you find useful as you rethink your own writing journey.
1. Be dedicated to your creative work. This is where you get to choose, as a writer, to commit to writing the story you’ve dreamed of publishing. If storytelling is what inspires you, then don’t settle for low expectations and small dreams. Seth Godin in his amazing book The Icarus Deception: How High Will You Fly? writes, “The path that’s available to each of us is neither reckless stupidity nor endless compliance. No, the path that’s available to us is to be human, to do art, and to fly higher than we’ve been taught is possible.”
2.Choose each day to improve your writing craft. This takes step #1 a little further. Beyond committing to writing, choose to: 1)read 15 minutes every day on some part of the craft of writing 2)regularly watch movies and write down the story structure 3)practice writing every day.
3.Simplify how you capture ideas and organize your to-do list. As writers, each of us are multi-taskers and it’s too easy to forget things we need to do or to simply not have a place where we can write down ideas as they come to us. I used to try to keep everything in my head – and I was losing ideas and forgetting important items on my to-do list. Now I have added Evernote to my iPhone as well as I can sync Evernote to my computer too. Another great app(for your smartphone) to write down your ideas and your to-do-list is Todoist(free). I write down ideas for books, blog posts or generally what needs to get done and it’s so helpful. It doesn’t matter what type of system you use, but you need something. It’s much too easy to forget:)
4.Decide on specific and measurable writing goals for yourself. Choose what you want to write and publish this year and set S.M.A.R.T. goals for yourself. I found this older post by Dean Wesley Smith, has many great ideas to help writers with goal setting.
5.Double check that your books are available in a wide range of digital markets. This is important. You don’t want to rely on just one retailer for readers to buy your books(ie. Amazon). Throw your net wide and publish on Amazon, Kobo, iBookstore, and for everything else you could use Smashwords or Draft2Digital to send your book to many other retailers. Give yourself the gift as an author of getting your books everywhere you can… you’ll be glad you did.
6.Focus on building your list of readers and your tribe. Growth as an authorpreneur comes from really two main areas: 1)writing more books and 2)focussing on growing your home base – your website. For both your books and your website it’s important to have an email signup so people can connect with you. Also, on the last page of your book, include a link to a signup page for your readers, so they can continue to receive your blog posts and new book releases. This is really the #1 thing as writers and everything else you do should point back to it.
What are some areas you want to grow in as a writer this year? Please comment below, I’d love to hear your thoughts! 🙂
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