Lately I’ve had more ideas on fiction books I’d like to write.
I know, that’s no big surprise… lol
In the past few years I’ve been writing contemporary sweet romance using a pen name, so there hasn’t been too much historical romance or historical fiction written under Lorna Faith for quite some time.
I have begun to brainstorm a new fiction series.
Read more details below on what I’m brainstorming…
A New Fiction Series I’m Brainstorming…
First of all, I should mention that there are other fiction books I’ve got in the works.
For all you wonderful readers who have read Book #1 and #2 in the Russia to the Canadian West series, I just want to let you know I haven’t forgotten about writing the last book in the series. However, I will let you know that so far I haven’t had a really good big picture idea about that last book yet, so as of this writing Book #3 in that series is still on hold.
Also, I have mentioned that I will be working on a Middle Grade / YA series of fiction books that is set in the 1970s. The inspiration for this series, was from my childhood years in a small farming town in Northern Canada. So far, I’ve been brainstorming the characters, the towns people and I’ve been trying to get a good sense of the theme of this series overall. But I do know that it begins with an orphan girl who is adopted into a farming family. This series is in the outlining stage as of this writing.
Another idea for novels that I’m sketching ideas for right now is a Sweet Regency Romance series. The idea is that each book in this series will be a fairytale retelling. Book 1 is loosely based off the fairytale Cinderella. I’m not sure when this first book will be released as I have other books I’m committed to writing for my pen name romance readers.
It’s slow going, but I feel like I will be back to writing some fiction under my Lorna Faith author name. I am brimming over with ideas and doing my best to keep up with the all
I’d love to hear which book or series you’re most excited to read. Please, leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!